5 Ways to Secure Your LAN from Hacking »

With the abundance of portable devices being used these days, most LANs (Local Area Networks) are now wireless; whether they are implemented for regular home or business use. Of course, with this free flow of data travelling through the air, the greatest concern most people have is whether a wireless LAN is truly secure, and […]

How Secure Is WhatsApp? Try WhatsApp Spy! »

WhatsApp is famous for being the most popular chatting application, more because it is free and works on cross platform. Which means, you could be using an Android cell phone, yet you can communicate with other WhatsApp users who own BlackBerry, iPhone, or Windows phone and so on. With the help of WhatsApp, billions of […]

Security Online: Track Your Teenager »

In the current technological advanced era, teenagers found several ways to hide their activities and other things from their parents when they use tablets, smartphones, or computer. As teens have more command over technology than their parents, they can easily hide their activities. This leads to spoiling the career of children and it is responsibility […]

How to Use Wi-Fi Networks without Compromising Your Data »

Free wi-fi networks have become much more common as more businesses have started to add this perk for their customers. It’s convenient to be able to check your e-mail or do some research while you’re enjoying a hot coffee and scone. However, while these wi-fi hot spots make it easy for you to log in […]

Top 4 Internet Security Suite – A Review »

Every one of us wants to stay protected. Most of us rely on the top class Antivirus and Firewall software to protect our machines from various attacks. With the growing number of Antivirus and Firewalls, most of us get confused on which software offers the best protection and which one will be our best fit. […]