How New Technology Has Revived Television »

The Internet has brought so much information and services at the fingertips of millions of online and mobile users. Unfortunately, the online world has led many industries to close shop, such as print media and brick-and-mortar stores. Logically speaking, the offline nature of television should have caused it to die a natural death as well, […]

RIM Puts BlackBerry 10 in the Spotlight »

The stage is set for the Canadian company, Research In Motion (RIM), to re-establish the standard in mobile computing with the release of its BlackBerry 10 platform. The new CEO of RIM, Thorsten Heins, has divulged that he doesn’t believe the company is just creating a new operating system for mobile devices. Rather, they are […]

How to Connect Your WordPress Blog to Social Media »

Social networking is an unprecedented online phenomenon that allows people from all walks of life to connect and share similar interests with each other. Whether for socialization purposes, business intent, or sheer entertainment, social media has transformed the way that information is used and distributed. At the same time, social media has opened the door […]

10 Tips for Safe Social Networking »

With the increasing popularity of social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter and millions of people taking part in the new Internet phenomenon every day, it’s probably a good idea to learn about the dangers involved and things you can do to protect yourself from them. I’m sure many of you have heard […]