Identity Theft – How Hackers Do It & How To Prevent It? »

Internet users are susceptible to attacks pertaining to malware or malicious software. Besides sending fake applications that corrupt your device, hackers have also indulged in another form of crime which involves theft of identity. Identity theft refers to the stealing of an individual’s identity and pretending to be that person. Hackers often misuse an identity […]

Patching the Hosts File to Stop Hackers and Block Websites »

One sneaking way that hackers and identity thieves can get inside your head and steal your personal information is by executing an application on your computer that will patch your hosts file. Once your hosts file is patched, not only can they block you from certain websites, they can also redirect you to “fake” sites […]

New Security Flaw in Internet Explorer »

Microsoft has issued a new security alert that affects all users of the popular Internet Explorer browser! There seems to be a serious security flaw in the Windows system that could be exploited by hackers to access your PC and steal private information. There have been no reports of successful intrusions yet, but Microsoft urges […]