When File Sharing Services Upgrade to Cloud Storage »

Years ago advanced Internet users could not imagine their work with files and media without the so-called file hosting services. And the latter could be marked amongst the must-have tools of every self-respecting net surfer. Though, the idea of constant progress in technology is commonly recognized, which is why gradual shifts are a matter of […]

Advantages of Storing Data in the Cloud »

In the era of the mobile device boom, it’s not all about your PC anymore. As an increasing number of people scatter their data across PCs, smartphones and tablets, managing data across all these devices becomes a true challenge. Obviously, if there weren’t for cloud computing applications, mobile devices couldn’t have advanced at all but, […]

Cloud Servers: PC to Smartphone »

Cloud servers offer many perks for both PC users, and Smart phone users, especially if you’re using both. Virtual storage using cloud servers makes backing up important documents easy, which you can quickly and easily access, as well as being able to share contacts, bookmarks and more between devices. Cloud apps for your Smart phone […]