By admin on Jan 16, 2015 in Apple, Mac OS, Security, Software | 2 Comments
When data is stored on a computer, you think it is safe from all types of threats. However, you cannot even imagine how unsafe your data is, even if it is saved on a Mac computer – one of the most secure computers. In fact, you cannot be at ease about security of your data unless some security […]
By admin on Sep 16, 2013 in Internet | 0 Comments
In the era of the mobile device boom, it’s not all about your PC anymore. As an increasing number of people scatter their data across PCs, smartphones and tablets, managing data across all these devices becomes a true challenge. Obviously, if there weren’t for cloud computing applications, mobile devices couldn’t have advanced at all but, […]
By admin on Sep 2, 2013 in Software | 0 Comments
Countless Windows users have suffered from losing data on their computers, because Internet, Windows OS and computer hardware are never safe enough as they should be. Currently third party utilities are still considered as necessities for us to ensure the safety of our data. Here today we’d like to introduce you an easy-to-use Windows backup […]
By admin on Jul 8, 2013 in Software | 0 Comments
Have you ever experienced a computer failure? Have you ever been faced with data loss? What would you after losing your data? As a matter of fact, most computer users will be helpless if this circumstance happened. In that case, you will think that backup of all your data is a necessity. Today, I will recommend such a program […]