Acer Aspire V5 Review »

With ultrabooks and Windows 8 forming a formidable relationship, a lot of people are eyeing these sleek gadgets this season. Not only do you get a robust gadget for work and play, you also get an OS that is fresh and a breeze to use. Two factors that affect a person’s ultrabook shopping are: performance […]

App Development Tips for Windows 8 »

The new Windows 8 is released and it is easy to develop apps for it. Microsoft officials claim that the Windows 8 app development program is so simple that it can be handled even by non developers. The entire process of creating and submitting an app is quite easy. The Metro style design, speed and […]

Why Acer Laptops are Big in India »

It really is no surprise that Acer has great influence in India’s laptop market. It’s true that the industry is crowded and there is competition everywhere. India’s economic boom has made it an attractive market for computer companies. But for many reasons, Acer has the inside track when it comes to market share and developing loyal […]

2 Great Offers From Acer »

There was a time when I didn’t think much of the Acer brand – especially when it came to laptops. I thought Acer made the worst laptops and I swore I would never buy one or recommend it to anyone. But times have changed! Acer has improved a lot over the years and now they […]