Category: Internet

Free Computer Help by Volunteer Geeks »

Have you ever needed free online computer help but didn’t know where to turn? There is a new site called the Computer Help Chat Room, a non-profit service provided by volunteer technicians and computer experts. Users from around the world join the chat to help each other with problems and questions, and to discuss technology […]

What To Do If a Website is blocked »

If you’re trying to unblock a specific website, you first must understand why the website is blocked to begin with. Usually websites are blocked by software on your computer that is put in place by the administrator to censor certain aspects of the internet. If you are on a larger computer network such as a […]

How to Encrypt Cloud Files? »

Cloud based storage is widely used to protect the files in a computer. Dropbox is a cloud storage that secures files and folders. SSL is used by Cloud files to maintain secure and encrypted communication. Passwords, usernames or any other personal information cannot be read by a hacker. Users of cloud computing are given an […]

Business Phone Systems: What About Mac? »

VOIP (Voice/Video Over Internet Protocol) based business phone systems are available for everyone, or so they say. What about all of us using a Mac? Does it mean we cannot benefit from vendor deals? Do business VOIP systems include Apple users? Considering Lion OSX runs like a dream, my iPad feels like my new baby, […]

Do You Need to Backup Data on the Cloud? »

The world of cloud computing is new enough that it is still tackling basic issues of security, like data recovery, contractual liabilities and resiliency infrastructure for cloud servers. The important questions coming from cloud clients though are simple; most importantly, do you still need to back up your data? After all, wasn’t outsourced IT supposed […]