Category: Internet

5 Reasons WordPress Hosting Is Worth The Cost »

WordPress enhances the functionality of all kinds of websites. You can easily connect your WordPress blog to social media. The CMS platform can be hosted on a shared or managed plan. However, managed WordPress hosting is more expensive than other hosting options. For this reason, many tech professionals contemplate whether managed hosting is worth the additional […]

Things You’ll Gain with IT Support »

Even small and medium-sized businesses need some external help from time to time and that is usually the case for problems regarding computers. A small business IT support can help companies gain an advantage over their competitors as well. Here are a few benefits of hiring IT support. 1. Prompt IT solutions When you own […]

7 Best WordPress Plugins for Web Designers »

It seems as if there is no limit to the amount of WordPress plugins available these days – if you need something for your website, there’s a plugin for that! WordPress plugins have almost become the new appstore for cell phone users, with various plugins available for your website online. Plugins help you perform a […]

6 Beginner SEO Tips To Enhance Your Website »

So, you made yourself a fancy website and you are proud of it. Finally, you can take some rest and enjoy the fruits of your labor. Don’t be fooled, the story doesn’t end here. The website is not a thing carved in stone, and it needs regular maintenance. In order to keep your website in […]

Emerging Technology Trends in 2016 »

Technology has been advancing in leaps and bounds lately, and this is nothing but good news for tech lovers. Things you used to see in sci-fi movies such as flying drones and super-smart virtual assistants are no longer just a dream – they’re real and they’re here. Those are not the only technological goodies that […]