Why Are There So Many Custom ECMs?

ECMSharepoint is used by many organisations to manage their information. An ‘out of the box’ solution is one method of implementation, and this can work well for a small company with simple information needs.

However, companies often find that this method is restrictive and does not meet with their unique business requirements. Handling information does not become easier, it becomes more difficult as the organisation’s needs change and grow more complex, and as the business environment in which the company operates changes.

The need for a custom Enterprise Content Management solution (ECM)

To maximise efficiency within an organisation, information needs to be stored in a format that is customised for the needs of the company. This enables the data to be organised, accessed and shared quickly and efficiently.

A custom ECM solution facilitates this, automating processes and workflows and creating a centralised document repository. Fast access to information drives business success by enabling more timely decision-making. Implementation of the right system can therefore give a company the competitive edge they need to succeed.

Acquisition of a third-party application can bridge the gap, thus making Sharepoint a powerful ECM solution. There are many companies which provide such solutions, the key is to find the right provider to ensure that their product best fits with your business needs.

Although it is important, an ECM is not just about managing content in terms of storage, retrieval and version control. It is also about using that content to achieve business goals. This involves careful consideration of compliance, collaboration, and cost.


Compliance is essential in order to ensure that government regulations are strictly adhered to. It is not just a one-off task which is then considered finished, and a good service provider will recognise this and make provision for ongoing change. They will also help the company to put proper business practices in place to properly capture, store, manage, and dispose of information legally.


Collaboration within an organisation can save time, prevent duplication of work, streamline processes and cut costs. A custom ECM system can facilitate collaboration, taking advantage of emerging technologies which can be used to fulfil business needs and drive the company’s business strategy.


The cost of acquiring a customised ECM solution can seem prohibitive, however cost savings can be made in the long run. The use of such tools increases efficiency, saves time in retrieval of information, reduces the need for storage space and aids disposal.

The cost of not implementing an ECM system is easier to see. Legal requirements may not be adequately met, resulting in lengthy and costly proceedings. Staff time and storage becomes more costly as collections of paper documents and records grow and become more difficult to manage.

Commercial organisations in today’s competitive environment need to utilise every available tool to keep the company at the top of their game, with a careful eye on ROI. A custom ECM facilitates this. But organisations sell a diverse range of products and services, and consequently have diverse needs.

An out of the box solution does not fit all. A custom system is tailored to specific requirements and is much more relevant. Such solutions providers all operate in different ways and customise their product in different ways. Finding the right provider who will exhaustively assess the company’s business needs and customise their product accordingly, is vital for success.

If you got interested in a custom solution, take a  closer look at Hardpoint’s Olindra. What makes this product so successful is that it is an example of how to get a customised ECM, right, as Hardpoint’s team of experts work alongside the organisation to establish their business requirements and tailor their product to those needs.


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