Three Reasons for Windows Search Problems »

This guest post was contributed by Tibor Schiemann, President and Managing Partner, TuneUp blog. Have you ever had trouble finding that file or email that you just know is on your PC? If your search has come up empty one too many times, there is likely something wrong with this Windows Vista and Windows 7 […]

Less Popular Search Engines »

Today almost everyone uses one of the Big Three search engines: Google, Yahoo or Bing. But what about the rest? As you may know, there are others, obviously less popular, but good search engines. A friend of mine gave me the idea to search the Internet and see what else is available. Many years ago […]

Ecosia – New ‘Eco-Friendly’ Search Engine »

Have you heard about Ecosia, the new search engine that has just been launched? It’s powered by Bing and Yahoo search technology, but what makes this search engine special is that it’s environmentally friendly! 80% of its revenue goes to the World Wildlife Fund to protect rainforests and fight global warming. That means, that by […]