Simple Steps to Make Your Free Email Safe »

Email is a vital part of your online identity. Everyone in this day and age has to have one. It’s the first step to social networking, online shopping, pay pal, subscribing to newsletters and updates, contacting clients, banking and the list goes on. So in short, whether you’re a teenager who uses email just for […]

Are VOIP Phone Systems Actually Safe? »

VOIP (Voice/Video Over Internet Protocol) based managed and installed business phone systems (a VOIP phone system) have high levels of security. There are many levels of security they employ to help your conversations be secure. So much so, the United States government is in the process of increasing the powers of the 911 Act, so […]

How to Avoid Fake Torrent Files »

With the emergence of the new downloading technology called torrent and its increasing popularity, I thought it would be a good idea to dedicate a post to this subject. I’m sure we’ve all downloaded a fake file or two, or even more, while looking for that special audio or video file. You spend minutes (or […]

10 Tips for Safe Social Networking »

With the increasing popularity of social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace and Twitter and millions of people taking part in the new Internet phenomenon every day, it’s probably a good idea to learn about the dangers involved and things you can do to protect yourself from them. I’m sure many of you have heard […]