When File Sharing Services Upgrade to Cloud Storage »

Years ago advanced Internet users could not imagine their work with files and media without the so-called file hosting services. And the latter could be marked amongst the must-have tools of every self-respecting net surfer. Though, the idea of constant progress in technology is commonly recognized, which is why gradual shifts are a matter of […]

How to Recover Files from Undetected Flash Drive in Mac? »

Recently I came across a forum post in a prestigious forum site for Mac OS X users. The problem which forum thread stated was: “The user had improperly ejected his flash drive from the Mac and now the system does not recognize the device after the flash drive is plugged in the USB port. The […]

What to do After a Hard Drive Failure »

We live in such an abundant information age that a hard drive failure these days can mean the sudden loss of data comparable to the burning of the Alexandria Library. It’s happened to most of us at least once and we recognise the awful feeling in the pit of your stomach, and the rising tension […]

What Happened to my Hard Drive Space? »

Are you asking yourself where all the free space on your hard drive has gone when you don’t even have that many (big) files? Do you want to free up space but you don’t know how or what to delete? If yes, then it’s time to investigate and find out what’s taking up the space […]