Cannot open C:\ drive – ’select program from list’ appears

C driveI’ll start my blog by discussing an annoying error which I experienced not too long ago.

When I opened My Computer and tried to open the C:\ drive by double clicking, instead of getting the list of all subfolders, a new window appeared asking me to select a program that can open the application. I have seen this error in several computers and always in Windows XP. Sometimes you are still able to view subfolders if you right-click on C:\drive and select explore, but in some cases not even this will work.

There are a couple of possible fixes for this problem. First, while you’re still in Windows Explorer, go to Tools, Folders, View and click on Reset All Folders. This should reset the settings that were in effect when Windows XP was first installed.

Another option is to open the Command Prompt (Start, Run, type cmd in the text field, or: Start, All Programs, Accessories, Command Prompt) and type:

c:\>attrib -r -s -h autorun.inf  then hit Enter

c:\>del autorun.inf and again hit Enter

Also, scan your hard drive for viruses and spyware and delete all threats. A program called Window Washer is known to cause this problem. If you have it, uninstall it from Control Panel/Add-Remove Programs and fix your registry by using a registry repair software such as Registry Mechanic or Ccleaner.

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