Category: Internet

How to Make Money from Your Website »

Being able to pursue a passion while making money from it is a dream of many.Once the initial steps are taken, this pursuit is often not quite as difficult as many imagine. When hosting your own website and generating a profit is the goal, some tips exist that will make the process run a bit […]

How to Connect Your WordPress Blog to Social Media »

Social networking is an unprecedented online phenomenon that allows people from all walks of life to connect and share similar interests with each other. Whether for socialization purposes, business intent, or sheer entertainment, social media has transformed the way that information is used and distributed. At the same time, social media has opened the door […]

Facebook’s Policy Changes and the Repercussions to Come »

While Facebook is already no stranger to criticism and controversy regarding the privacy of its users, a new series of issues are arising out of the social network’s new attempt to make policy changes. Just two weeks ago, Facebook had asked users to vote on a proposal that would forfeit the right of users to […]

Cloud Servers: PC to Smartphone »

Cloud servers offer many perks for both PC users, and Smart phone users, especially if you’re using both. Virtual storage using cloud servers makes backing up important documents easy, which you can quickly and easily access, as well as being able to share contacts, bookmarks and more between devices. Cloud apps for your Smart phone […]

Chrome Extensions – What’s Not to Love? »

All businesses need to save time and thankfully Google Chrome is available to help! A range of Chrome extensions are also at hand to make life smoother, and not only streamline your browsing experience but streamline your tendency to become distracted. Image Search “Image Search” is a perfect tool for taking the trawl out of […]