Install 2 Operating Systems on 1 PC – dual boot

vistaLet’s assume you have a PC or laptop with Windows Vista installed but you want to install Windows XP as well. Or you have XP and want to try Vista without losing XP.

Before you start the installation, you should make sure that your computer can handle two operating systems. Most importantly, you need a hard drive that can provide the space for Vista and XP. If your PC/laptop is less than two years old, then I wouldn’t worry about it. Otherwise, I suggest you use at least a 100GB hard drive (larger capacity is recommended), 1GB of RAM (for Vista), a minimum 1Ghz processor and a DVD ROM.

If you have only one hard drive, then you’ll have to split the hard drive in two partions, one for each operating system. If you can use two hard drives, then you won’t need the partitions.

I found a great tutorial on how to install XP if you have Vista already, and vice versa, at the APCMAG Web site. There is no point writing my own version of this when they put it together perfectly. It’s easy to follow and I highly recommend it. Read the tutorial here.

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